Chasing the Story for Nat Geo

There’s lots of exciting research coming out of Woods Hole, but much of it takes place at sea and the polar regions. Showing science in action can therefore be a huge challenge! But every once in a while we get the chance to go out to sea to witness the magic taking place and talk to scientists as they conduct their experiments.

We joined a research cruise for early-career scientists last summer to gather footage for our Alvin: Dive Deeper series. There, we caught up with National Geographic Explorer in Residence Jeff Marlow, who studies microbes that live in natural methane “seeps” in the ocean. Our interview with Jeff and footage from aboard the R/V Atlantis made it into a feature on, which explains the connections between deep-sea microbes and the carbon-carrying capacity of the ocean. We’re thrilled to help spread the word about Jeff’s fascinating research, and the exciting work being conducted at sea!